We aim for complete customer satisfaction. We respect our customers’ rights and always try to comply with best practice and all relevant laws. In certain cases, and within certain limits, a refund may be permitted.
If you are not satisfied with any of our services, or have any questions, please contact our customer services department at Help.MicrosystemSupport.com and have your invoice ready. We will try our best to solve your problem. We are proud of the reputation we have built for our services.
- If a refund is requested, please submit in writing, full explanation for the request within 15 calendar days of payment, request must be made by email to: Help@microsystemsupport.com
- If any of the work has been accomplished on at least one device, a seventy-nine dollars ($79) processing fee will be retained.
- If refund is approved, it will be refunded (minus $79.00) to the same method of original payment. It may take up to 2 to 4 weeks for a refund to be issued.
- If you are asking to withdraw from a long-term contract, explanation must be made in writing within 180 days of the signed contract. Submit request to: Help@MicrosystemSupport.com A minimum processing fee of seventy-nine ($79) will be retained, and an additional fee for each call of work already accomplished since the beginning of the contract date.